[Statlist] 18th European Young Statisticians Meeting
johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch
johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch
Fri Dec 21 11:26:44 CET 2012
18th European Young Statisticians Meeting
26 - 30 August 2013, Osijek, Croatia
*************** Second Announcement ****************
The European Young Statisticians Meeting (EYSM) is a conference organized every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. The aim is to provide a scientific forum for the next generation of European researchers in probability theory and statistics. The meeting will gather about 50 participants coming from about 25 European countries.
Participants are less than 30 years old or have 2 to 8 years of research experience. They are chosen by invitation only in a uniformly distributed way in Europe (2 participants per country). Every participant gives a talk and writes a short paper introducing his/her research subject. The papers will be published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Applicants from Switzerland are requested to submit a short CV and an abstract (limited to one page) of a potential talk per e-mail to Johanna F. Ziegel (johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch<mailto:johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch><mailto:johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch>).
The deadline for submission is 15 January 2013.
For more details please visit the web page
where information is regularly updated or contact the organizers:
- Nenad Suvak
Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee
eysm18 at mathos.hr<mailto:eysm18 at mathos.hr>
- Johanna F. Ziegel
Member of the International Organizing Committee for Switzerland
johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch<mailto:johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch>
Please forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested, in particular, students or young researchers that may not be aware of the EYSM yet.
A printable version of the announcement is attached.
University of Bern
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Acturarial Science
Prof. Johanna F. Ziegel
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0) 31 631 8803
mailto:johanna.ziegel at stat.unibe.ch
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