[Statlist] Conference: Recent Developments in Statistical Multiscale Methods

Thomas Rippl trippl at uni-goettingen.de
Fri Jan 20 11:46:48 CET 2012

First Announcement: Conference on


               July 16 - 18 2012
            University of Göttingen, Germany

Statistical Multiscale Methods have been developed rapidly during the 
last decades and provide nowadays an indispensable tool for a variety of 

The aim of this workshop is to provide an up to date overview of the 
different aspects of this emerging field. This includes on the one hand 
a rigorous mathematical treatment of statistical multiscale estimators 
such as risk bound analysis, deviation inequalities and their 
statistical applications, e.g. the construction of confidence sets. On 
the other hand algorithmic and computational issues will be discussed as 
well, and their performance in various areas of applications, ranging 
from signal processing, time series analysis and financial statistics to 
computational genetics and bio-imaging.

Speakers include:

* Laurent Cavalier, Aix-Marseille
* Markus Haltmeier, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry Goettingen
* Marc Hoffmann, Paris IV
* Maarten Jansen, Leuven
* Zakhar Kabluchko, Ulm
* Gerard Kerkyacharian, Paris VI
* Arne Kovac, Bristol
* Richard Nickl, Cambridge
* Robert Nowak, Wisconsin, Madison
* Dominique Picard, Paris VII
* Wolfgang Polonik, UC Davis
* Angelika Rohde, Hamburg
* Till Sabel, Goettingen
* Johannes Schmidt-Hieber, VU Amsterdam
* David Siegmund, Stanford
* Hannes Sieling, Goettingen
* Evgeny Spodarev, Ulm
* Vladimir Spokoiny, HU Berlin
* Alexandre Tsybakov, Paris IV
* Rainer von Sachs, Louvain la Neuve
* Guenther Walther, Stanford

Local Organization: Axel Munk, Klaus Frick, Thomas Rippl, Anja Frakstein 
and Steffi Greiner.

Contact and Details: For details and registration please visit
or contact
for916 -at- math.uni-goettingen.de

This conference is organized by the German-Swiss research group FOR 916 
"Statistical Regularization and Qualitative Constraints" and is 
sponsored by the DFG and the SNF.


trippl at uni-goettingen.de

Thomas Rippl (Room 5.108)
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Mathematische Stochastik
Goldschmidtstr. 7
37077 Göttingen, Germany

Tel: +49 551 39172128
Fax: +49 551 3913505

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