[Statlist] Seminar ecological statistics, 14. September 2012

Fränzi Korner fraenzi.korner at oikostat.ch
Fri Jun 8 14:10:18 CEST 2012


Here ( <http://www.stat.ch/index.php/en/stat/aktuell/agenda.html>
http://www.stat.ch/index.php/en/stat/aktuell/agenda.html) is the second
networking event in applied statistics. It will take place at the Swiss
Ornithological Institute in Sempach (www.vogelwarte.ch) the 14. September
2012. The talks and discussions cover a variety of recently developed or
currently developing statistical methods in ecology.

Looking forward seeing you there!







Dr. Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt

oikostat GmbH

Ausserdorf 43

CH - 6218 Ettiswil

Tel.: +41 (0) 41 980 49 22

 <http://www.oikostat.ch> www.oikostat.ch


Schweizerische Vogelwarte

CH - 6204 Sempach

 <http://www.vogelwarte.ch> www.vogelwarte.ch


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