[Statlist] We offer 14 PhD positions in Statistical Methodology in Clinical research at different sites across Europe

Hanna Hasselblatt hasselblatt at imbi.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Mar 1 13:14:52 CET 2012

The MEDIASRES Marie Curie Initial Training Network offers

*14 ESR training positions (PhD candidates) *in Statistical Methodology 
for Diagnostic/Prognostic and Therapeutic Studies and Systematic Reviews 
for 36 months fulltime

*Closing date for applications: **25*^*th* * of April 2012/for positions 
not filled this call remains open *

*Intended starting date for the positions is between May and September 

We are now inviting applications for *14 FP7 Marie Curie Early Stage 
Researcher (ESR) Fellow positions* from bright, highly motivated 
graduates with a Master degree in Biostatistics, Mathematics, 
Statistics, Bioinformatics, Epidemiology or equivalent who are strongly 
interested in statistical methodology in clinical research. Fluency in 
written and spoken English is required. Desired backgrounds include 
programming and practical experience in data analysis. Good 
communication skills are crucial. The ideal candidate combines these 
skills and should be willing to participate in international 
cooperation. Publication of the research performed in the network is 
expected. Please note that there can be project-related specific 
requirements which are specified at www.mediasres-itn.eu/projects 

"Early stage researchers" are candidates in possession of a relevant 
Masters degree (or close to obtaining it) with not more than 4 years of 
full time research experience. Each ESR will embark on a PhD program. We 
are seeking to offer employment contracts with full social security 
coverage, with living allowance and maximum duration of full-time 
employment within MEDIASRES of 3 years. You can expect a competitive 
salary; tuition fees will be covered/included.

    Your Benefits

We offer a unique integrative international research environment where 
world-leading scientists from academic institutions as well as from the 
pharmaceutical industry will integrate accepted applicants into their 
research teams. Beyond technical training in key areas, personal 
development and research management training will be made available. The 
ESRs in the MEDIASRES training network will be trained according to an 
individually supervised, comprehensive and complementary program 
composed of the individual research project, methodological courses 
offered at each partner site, face-to-face network wide training events, 
online-activities, transferable skill courses and close interaction with 
a clinical advisor. In order to receive complementary training on their 
respective topics, appointed researchers are expected to spend a 
secondment period of 3-6 months in a network partner institution.


If you are interested in one of these positions, please send your 
application including CV and a letter of motivation only through our 
central online-tool available at www.mediasres-itn.eu/application 
<http://www.mediasres-itn.eu/application> before the closing date for 

Qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. Selected candidates 
may not have spent more than 12 out of the last 36 months in the host 
country before appointment (see www.mediasres-itn.eu/info/eligibility 
for details). Please note that you will need a living and work permit 
for the host country.

Dr. Hanna Hasselblatt
Project Manager
MEDIASRES Marie Curie Initial Training Network
Institut fuer Medizinische Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik
Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg
Mail hasselblatt at imbi.uni-freiburg.de

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