[Statlist] Next talk: Friday, March 16, 2012 with Sander Greenland, University of California, Los Angeles

Cecilia Rey rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Mar 12 15:10:14 CET 2012

ETH and University of Zurich

Proff. P. Buehlmann -  H.R. Kuensch -
M. Maathuis -  S. van de Geer - M. Wolf

We are glad to announce the following talk

Friday, March 16, 2012, 16.15h, HG G 19.1


  by Sander Greenland, University of California, Los Angeles

Integrating Bayesian and frequentist statistics, or: Seeing both sides  
of the same biased coin.

Outlines of a bayes‐non‐Bayes compromise or fusion have been  
emerging for decades.
Nonetheless, basic teaching remains mired in conventional frequentist  
methods that are
misunderstood and misrepresented by most users (including many  
statisticians) and that are
highly misleading outside of ideal experimental conditions. Thus it is  
essential to revolutionize
how we introduce elementary statistical inference in health and social  
science, by providing
Bayesian concepts and methods in tandem with frequentist concepts and  
methods. Contrary to
prevalent beliefs, basic Bayesian methods require no new computational  
formulas or software
beyond familiar frequentist ones; they do not even require BayesÂ’  
theorem. Those methods can
help reveal untenably strong assumptions hidden in conventional  
methods, and allow relaxation of
those assumptions into a more reasonable form.

Background cite: Greenland, S. (2009). Relaxation penalties and priors  
for plausible modeling of
nonidentified bias sources. Statistical Science, 24, 195‐210


The abstract is also to be found here:  http://stat.ethz.ch/events/research_seminar

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