[Statlist] Vacancy in Delft
lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Wed May 30 14:13:22 CEST 2012
From: Geurt Jongbloed - EWI [G.Jongbloed at tudelft.nl]
Assistant Professor (UD) in Statistics
The statistics group at TU Delft is looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic Assistant Professor. Depending on the candidate’s qualities, an appointment at the level of Associate Professor can be considered.
For more detailed information, see
Applicants should send their application letter and detailed CV (including publication list) by June 27 2012 to Ms. A.C.M. Hoek, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, or by e-mail to peno-ewi at tudelft.nl
For additional information, please contact
Prof. dr. ir. G. Jongbloed
Phone number: +31(0)152785111
E-mail: G.Jongbloed at tudelft.nl
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