[Statlist] Next talk: Friday, November 16, 2012, with Ya'acov Ritov, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Cecilia Rey rey at stat.math.ethz.ch
Mon Nov 12 14:57:47 CET 2012

ETH and University of Zurich

Proff. P. Buehlmann -  L. Held - H.R. Kuensch -
M. Maathuis -  S. van de Geer - M. Wolf

We are glad to announce the following talk
Friday, November 16, 2012, 15.15h, HG G 19.1

by Ya'acov Ritov, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


Some empirical Bayes results


In this talk we consider some empirical Bayes results. Mainly we consider a new approach to the very classical Poisson model, to the use of proxies (AKA covariates).

The abstract is also to be found here:  http://stat.ethz.ch/events/research_seminar
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