[Statlist] Workshop Statistics of Complex Networks and YES VI workshop EINDHOVEN (NL)
Geurt Jongbloed - EWI
G.Jongbloed at tudelft.nl
Mon Nov 26 15:44:31 CET 2012
YES VI and the Workshop Statistics of Complex Networks: theory and applications
January 28-29 and January 30 - February 1, 2013
Eurandom, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Nowadays technology allows the monitoring and studying of extremely complex networked systems such as neuronal, metabolic, social, and computer networks. The extremely complex nature of these systems and the dramatic growth in dataset sizes gives rise to important and challenging research questions: how to perform meaningful statistical inference from very large and noisy data sets? Which properties of these complex systems can be inferred from such data? Can sound inference methodologies be also made computationally feasible? These and other questions will be addressed in this workshop that brings together knowledge from areas as diverse as statistics and applied probability, biology, sociology and computer science.
This series of two workshops will begin with a series of tutorial talks (the YES IV workshop<http://www.eurandom.nl/events/workshops/2013/YES_VI/>) aimed at introducing this broad field of research to young researchers, in particular Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows and junior researchers who are interested and eager to tackle new challenges in the study of complex networks. More information, including the list of tutorial speakers, can be found in http://www.eurandom.nl/events/workshops/2013/YES_VI/ . This event will be immediately followed by the Statistics for Complex Networks workshop<http://www.eurandom.nl/events/workshops/2013/Stat_Comp_Net/> including a sequence of invited and contributed talks by leading experts in the field illustrating the recent advances in the theory and applications. More information, including a list of confirmed speakers can be found in http://www.eurandom.nl/events/workshops/2013/Stat_Comp_Net/ .
Since these are two distinct events you must register for both of them separately. For more information about the program, registration, and how to submit a contribution please visit each of the webpages above.
We look forward to see you in Eindhoven!
Rui Castro ( rmcastro at tue.nl<mailto:rmcastro at tue.nl> )
Geurt Jongbloed ( G.Jongbloed at tudelft.nl<mailto:G.Jongbloed at tudelft.nl> )
Statistics for Complex Networks: theory and applications:
Fetsje Bijma (f.bijma at vu.nl<mailto:f.bijma at vu.nl><mailto:f.bijma at vu.nl>)
Rui Castro (rmcastro at tue.nl<mailto:rmcastro at tue.nl><mailto:rmcastro at tue.nl>)
Mathisca de Gunst (m.c.m.de.gunst at vu.nl<mailto:m.c.m.de.gunst at vu.nl><mailto:m.c.m.de.gunst at vu.nl>)
Geurt Jongbloed
Instituut voor Toegepaste Wiskunde
Technische Universiteit Delft
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