[Statlist] PhD positions in Statistics & Econometrics at the University of Geneva
Stefan Sperlich
Stefan.Sperlich at unige.ch
Wed Oct 10 10:02:59 CEST 2012
Nous aimerions distribuer lannonce suivante :
PhD positions in Statistics & Econometrics
@ Economics Department, University of Geneva
The positions are related to the Swiss National Science Foundation project
Approaches to Robustness of Structured Models in Econometrics: Theory and
Applications, co-directed by the professors E. Ronchetti and S. Sperlich.
The goal of the project is to develop new methods for robust inference in
structural econometric and mixed effects models and it focuses on basic and
applied research. We are looking for candidates with a background in
mathematical statistics. Prior knowledge in robust statistics and
nonparametrics is welcome but not required. Presently the positions are
limited to two years, but in case of a successful first period a renewal up
to the completion of the PhD thesis will be available.
The positions have to be filled as soon as possible but not later than March
1 in 2013.
Please send applications including CV, performance record, and 1 reference
letter directly to
Elvezio Ronchetti or Stefan Sperlich : <mailto:elvezio.ronchetti at unige.ch>
elvezio.ronchetti at unige.ch, <mailto:stefan.sperlich at unige.ch>
stefan.sperlich at unige.ch
Département des sciences économiques, Université de Genève, Bd du Pont
d'Arve 40,
CH - 1211 Genève 4, Switzerland
Bien cordialement,
Stefan Sperlich
Professeur ordinaire d'économétrie
Département des sciences économiques & Research Center for Statistics
Université de Genève Fax: +41-(0)22-37.98299
Bd du Pont d'Arve 40 Tel: +41-(0)22-37.98223
CH - 1211 Genève 4 Office: Uni Mail 5235
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