[Statlist] Postdoc position in Systems Genetics, Gagneur lab, Munich
Julien Gagneur
gagneur at genzentrum.lmu.de
Mon Dec 23 15:24:38 CET 2013
Dear all,
We seek a talented and motivated post-doc to develop computational methods for inferring the molecular basis of genetic diseases by integration of personal omics data. Research topics include: identifying causal mutations of rare disease patients by meta-analysis; inferring disease-causing molecular pathways from genotype, human phenotypes, and omics profile of patient-derived cell lines; and causal inference from longitudinal omics studies of patients. The developed methods will be applied to analyze data from our medical collaborators.
Candidates must either hold a PhD in computational biology or bioinformatics, or hold a PhD in physics, statistics, or applied mathematics with practical experience with high-dimensional data analysis. Experience in quantitative genetics is a plus. Applicants must have a proven publication record and an interest for translational research.
The Gagneur lab is a young, lively and multidisciplinary group with a research focus on systems genetics and gene regulation. It is located at the Gene Center of the LMU (University of Munich), an interdisciplinary institution whose 16 independent research groups investigate the regulation of gene expression at all levels - from the underlying molecular mechanisms to the biological system. The institute is located on the biomedical research campus Munich-Grosshadern, offering a dynamic, interactive and internationally oriented research environment. The dynamism of Munich and the proximity of the Alps provide an excellent quality of life.
The salary is according to the TV-L (German academic salary scale).
Applications including a cover letter, CV, and references must be sent by January 15th 2014 to Julien Gagneur (gagneur at genzentrum.lmu.de)
Julien Gagneur
Computational Genomics
Gene Center
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
81377 München, Germany
Phone: +49-89-2180-76742
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