[Statlist] International Conference Ars Conjectandi 1713-2013 | October 15-16, 2013 | Basel, Switzerland
Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
kuonen at statoo.com
Thu Jun 13 10:05:03 CEST 2013
** Apologies for cross-posting. **
** Please forward to colleagues who may be interested. **
International Conference Ars Conjectandi 1713-2013
October 15-16, 2013 | Basel, Switzerland
This conference will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the publication
of Jacob Bernoulli's book "Ars Conjectandi" in 1713. It is organised by
the Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) and co-sponsored by the Bernoulli
Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability, the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (IMS) and the International Statistical Institute
The conference will consist of keynote presentations of:
· David Aldous, Berkeley
· Peter Bühlmann, Zurich
· Louis Chen, Singapore
· Hans Föllmer, Berlin
· Tilmann Gneiting, Heidelberg
· Hans-Ruedi Künsch, Zurich
· Xiao-Li Meng, Cambridge
· Fritz Nagel, Basel
· Nancy Reid, Toronto
· Stephen Stigler, Chicago
· Edith Dudley Sylla, Raleigh
· Grace Wahba, Madison
The conference will be combined with the "Swiss Statistics Meeting" to be
held on October 16-18, 2013, in Basel, Switzerland, celebrating the 25th
anniversary of the SSS, the 15th anniversary of its section "Official
Statistics" and the 10th anniversary of its sections "Education and
Research" and "Business and Industry".
Further information, tentative programme and registration are available at
In the name of the organising committee, we look forward to welcoming you
to Basel in October 2013.
Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
Co-president of the organising committee
President of the Swiss Statistical Society (SSS)
Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
CEO, CAO, PhD in Statistics phone +41 (0)31 998 4590
Statoo Consulting fax +41 (0)31 998 4599
Morgenstrasse 129 mobile +41 (0)78 709 5384
CH - 3018 Berne email kuonen at statoo.com
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