[Statlist] Data Manager position at the NCCR LIVES

Gilbert Ritschard Gilbert.Ritschard at unige.ch
Fri Mar 8 08:56:10 CET 2013

The NCCR LIVES (http://lives-nccr.ch/ ) has an open position for a data manager.

Although the preference is for someone with a PhD in Social sciences, we are also looking for other profiles with a strong interest in social sciences.

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES announces a
Data Manager position

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research "LIVES - Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives" offers a Data Manager position. Several longitudinal, cross-disciplinary and qualitative surveys are managed by the NCCR LIVES (www.lives-nccr.ch<http://www.lives-nccr.ch>) and require methodological and management support.

Tasks description

1.     Support and collaborate with research projects to collect data, create and develop databases, write documentation and ease share of information inside and outside LIVES

2.     Participate to the development of the LIVES over-sampling from the Swiss Household Panel managed by the Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS)

3.     Participate to methodological project research concerned with the quality of data

4.     Homogenise documentation in order to pass on the data (quantitative and qualitative) to FORS and the scientific community

PhD in Social Sciences or equivalent (or master with experience in Social Sciences' research)
Good command of French, knowledge of German and/or English requested
Good knowledge of building and management of databases

We offer

*       The possibility to collaborate in an international large scale project which unites various universities and Swiss institutions

*       A dynamic environment favourable to the development of professional competences

Start date: 1.5.2013
Contract duration: 2 years (renewable)
Work percentage: 100%
Location: University of Lausanne, Geopolis Buidling
Deadline for application: 15th March 2013

Motivation letter, curriculum vitae, copy of university diploma and electronic version of a research (master dissertation, conference paper or other scientific publication) to be submitted preferably by e-mail to
Mrs Kristel Muller (kristel.muller at unil.ch<mailto:kristel.muller at unil.ch>)
University of Lausanne
Geopolis Building
CH-1015 Lausanne.

For further information, contact Prof. Dominique Joye (dominique.joye at unil.ch<mailto:dominique.joye at unil.ch>).

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