[Statlist] Two courses in Edinburgh 18,19 and 20,21 February

Stephen Senn Stephen.Senn at crp-sante.lu
Tue Feb 4 09:35:33 CET 2014

I will be giving two courses in Edinburgh for the The Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (WTCRF) later this month.

The first 18 & 19 February, Statistical issues in Drug Development, is based on my book of the same name http://www.senns.demon.co.uk/SIDD.html

The second, 20&21, February is on Meta-analysis in Drug Development and will include fixed and random effects approaches as well as network meta-analysis.

Further details can be found here https://www.crts.org.uk/Local/Lists/Courses.aspx?ceid=1#
Stephen Senn

Stephen Senn, PhD
Head of Competence Center for Methodology and Statistics (CCMS)
Competence Center in Methodology and Statistics
Centre de Recherche Public de la Sant? (CRP-Sant?)
1A-B, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen
Tel: +352 26970-894
Fax: +352 26970-719
Mobile: +352 621140894
Email: stephen.senn at crp-sante.lu<mailto:stephen.senn at crp-sante.lu>
Website: http://www.crp-sante.lu
Follow me on Twitter @stephensenn

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