[Statlist] Statistical methods & applications in Life Sciences - COMPSTAT 2014

Athanassios Kondylis athanassios.kondylis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 16:11:55 CET 2014

*21st International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS (COMPSTAT 2014)*

*Call for abstracts: Statistical methods & applications in Life Sciences*

The organized session *Statistical methods & applications in Life
Sciences*calls for papers focusing on recent developments and real
applications of novel statistical and probability methods in Life Sciences.
Papers are welcome on a diverse range of statistical and probability
methods, and their applications. Interest lies also on new computational
approaches in statistical modeling and simulation.

The interested researchers and practitioners are kindly invited to submit
their paper online at
https://www.cfe-csda.com/Registrations/compstat2014/login.php by specifying
the name of the session organizer (A. Kondylis).

Important dates:
 15 April  Abstract submissions for invited and organized sessions
  1 May    Paper submissions for the COMPSTAT proceedings

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