[Statlist] Stellenausschreibung Biostatistiker
Achermann Sonja
Sonja.Achermann at usb.ch
Wed Feb 26 11:54:32 CET 2014
The Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics is an associated institute of the University of Basel and conducts research in a range of disciplines relevant to clinical epidemiology, comparative effectiveness research and Health Technology Assessment.
We are seeking a
Biostatistician, PhD (80% to 100%)
You will be collaborating in a dynamic team of clinical epidemiologists, biostatisticians and clinical researchers.
Your main responsibilities are:
· Provide input to protocol development and perform statistical analyses of large observational studies mainly in infectious diseases
· Consulting activity for clinical researchers
· Support junior biostatisticians and PhD students in statistical analyses
· Interest in teaching is welcomed
The requirements are:
· PhD qualification in statistics/mathematics or related field
· Extensive experience in statistical analysis in the health care or medical research setting
· Experience in epidemiological study designs and relevant advanced analytical techniques
· Strong statistical programming skills with experience in SAS and R
· Excellent organizational skills and ability to efficiently manage projects in parallel
· Strong communication skills and ability to communicate statistical methods and results to non-statisticians
· Excellent knowledge of English (German is not a prerequisite)
This position is open from September 1st, 2014 for a minimum of 3 years. Salary is commensurate with experience (University of Basel rating system). Applicants should hold a EU work permission. Informal enquiries or submission of applications with CV, list of publications and 3 references may be made to:
Prof. Heiner C. Bucher MD, MPH
Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University Hospital Basel
CH-4031 Basel
Tel 0041-61-265 31 00
Fax 0041-61-265 31 09
Email heiner.bucher[at]usb.ch<mailto:hbucher at uhbs.ch>
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