[Statlist] Preannouncement: 28th Feb: Networking Event on Statistical Consulting in Applied and Academic Research

Rodolphe Dewarrat rodolphe.dewarrat at imsd.ch
Wed Jan 15 18:30:34 CET 2014

Dear all,

The growing amount of complex data recorded in almost all fields of applied
and academic research requires a growing amount of high statistical

To meet this increasing need, many statistical consulting groups located in
different institutions and industries - and most of them including members
of the sss - are active in Switzerland.

We would like to invite you to hear about the activities and organization
of two of them: the statistical consulting group of the Department of
Psychology at the University of Zurich (UZH) and the statistical consulting
group of the University of Applied Science (ZHAW) of Zurich and Winterthur.

The event will also include a tour of the sleeping laboratory at the
Department of Psychology and a farewell Apéro.

Time and Venue:

Friday 28th of February 2014 from 2:30pm
Institute of Psychology, Zurich Oerlikon
(Details and agenda follow in about 10 days.)

Hope to see you soon in Zurich!

Carolin Strobl and Rodolphe Dewarrat
(Local organizers)

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