[Statlist] IASC Summer School On Compositional Data Analysis (CoDA)

MPNG monique.p.n.graf at bluewin.ch
Thu Jan 23 14:34:16 CET 2014

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The IASC-ERS Summer School on Compositional Data Analysis will be held 
on July 7-11, 2014 in Girona, Spain.

Compositions are vectors which components show the relative importance 
of some parts (in percentages, ppm, ppb, or the like) of a whole. 
Typical examples are: economy (income/expenditure distribution), 
medicine (body composition: fat, bone, muscle), food industry (food 
composition: fat, sugar, ...), geochemistry and chemometrics (chemical 
composition), ecology (abundance different species), sociology (time-use 
surveys), and genetics (genotype frequency).

This hot topic of research has nowadays a broad impact in these fields. 
The goal of this summer school is to learn the basic concepts on CoDA 
and introduce its multivariate techniques (cluster analysis, 
discriminant analysis, regression models, etc).

Statisticians and applied scientists of any field, in particular 
engineering geologists, geologists, economics, scientists, environmental 
engineers, and bio&environmental scientists, working in academic or 
industrial institutions, are strongly encouraged to take the IASC-ERS 
Summer School on CoDA.

It is recommended that attendants have undergone some first semester 
courses on statistics. Basic knowledge about multivariate statistics may 
also be handy.

Due to the class room facilities at the UdG, the places are limited to 
30. Early registration is recommended.
Further information at: www.compositionaldata.com 
<http://www.compositionaldata.com> in CoDaCourses menu.

The CoDA IASC-ERS Summer School is organized by the Research Group on 
Statistical MEthods in resTRICted spaceS (METRICS) from the Computer 
Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department of the University 
of Girona (UdG).

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