[Statlist] Doctoral student at University of Lausanne

Valerie Chavez Demoulin Valerie.chavez at unil.ch
Thu Jun 5 14:54:29 CEST 2014

Doctoral student 


Date of start: to be agreed Duration of contract: 2 years. 

Renewal 1 year. Maximum 2 years. 

Employment rate: 100% Workplace: University of Lausanne, Switzerland 


Behind every purchased product there is a supply chain that has made it
possible to acquire it. In this project, we study how product seasonality,
supply chain structure, customer location, weather, financial indicators and
other external factors affect supply chain performance. We have access to a
unique set of data that covers a decade of supply chain operations in very
different product categories all over the world. We aim to find ways to
assess the true performance of the supply chain by eliminating and assessing
the bias due to external factors affecting supply chain performance. To
achieve this we deploy the latest statistical and big-data methods. 


Desired qualifications: 

We are now looking for a doctoral student with Master degree to work for
2-years (100%, renewal subject to funding) on a SNF (www.snf.ch) grant and
who has the following skills and interests: 

- Statistics and data mining 

- Operations and supply chain management 

- Basic programming skills (R, SQL, scripting languages, ...) 

- Databases, business intelligence, data retrieval and integration 

- Fluent spoken and written English 


Job description: 

75% of activity is to be allocated on the doctoral research as a part of the
SNF-project. 25% of the activity is allocated to assist the research team,
teaching and supervising exams. 


Application materials: 

Please send curriculum vitae, copy of official student register, copies of
diplomas, a motivation letter with names of two persons to contact for
reference, by email, to tapio.niemi at unil.ch. 


Deadline for applications: 

1st of July 2014.


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