[Statlist] save the date: SSS-BI and SAA networking event on Nov 7th

Rodolphe Dewarrat rodolphe.dewarrat at imsd.ch
Mon Sep 15 15:15:20 CEST 2014


Our next event will be a joint effort of the Swiss Association for Analytics
<http://www.swiss-analytics.ch/> (SAA) and the Swiss Statistical Society
<http://www.stat.ch/> (SSS). This free afternoon event will take place
November 7th  in Lausanne and the theme is:

“Analytics & Statistics for CRM”.

Our keynote speaker is *Dean Abbott, Chief Data Scientist, Smarter
Remarketer, Inc.* We will also have speakers from *Nestlé*, *Aduno Gruppe*,
* SAS*, *DiaSys* and* SandSIV*.

The event is sponsored by PwC <http://www.pwc.ch/>, SAS
<http://www.sas.com/ch> and IMSD <http://www.imsd.ch/>.

More information and free subscription at event.swiss-analytics.ch

The Swiss Association for Analytics will also take this opportunity to
organize its constitutive General Assembly on November 7th. It is free and
accessible to anybody interested in analytics. Schedule and further details
will be communicated through the LinkedIn group (www.swiss-analytics.ch)


Sandro Saitta and Rodolphe Dewarrat

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