[Statlist] Research seminar in statistics, GSEM, University of Geneva

Eva Cantoni Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Thu Sep 25 11:47:30 CEST 2014

Organisers : .
E. Cantoni - E. Ronchetti - S. Sperlich - M-P. Victoria-Feser

Friday October 3rd, 2014
at 11h15
Room M 5220, Uni Mail (40, bd du Pont-d'Arve)

Prof. Olga VITEK
(Northeastern University, Boston)

Title: Statistical methods and tools for quantitative mass 
spectrometry-based proteomics

Mass spectrometry-based proteomics studies proteins in complex 
biological mixtures. Stochastic variation and uncertainty are hallmarks 
of proteomic experiments, and statistical experimental design and 
analysis are key. To be practical, the statistical methods must 
accommodate a diverse family of experiment types. To be accurate, they 
must correctly reflect the specialized stochastic structure of each 
experimental workflow.

This talk will introduce mass spectrometry-based proteomic workflows and 
the associated statistical challenges. We will discuss the use of 
standard statistical tools in this context, as well as the opportunities 
that this area offers for applied statistical research. As a specific 
example, we will discuss the R package MSstats, which implements a 
flexible family of linear mixed effects models for relative 
quantification of proteins from spectral features.

Visit the website: http://www.stat-center.unige.ch/ressem.html

Prof. Eva Cantoni
Research Center for Statistics and
  Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, CH-1211 Genève 4

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