[Statlist] Extended deadline for submitting papers to the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik "Statistics under one Umbrella" (DAGStat 2016)
dagstat at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Dec 1 17:30:10 CET 2015
*Extended deadline for submitting papers to the 4th Joint Statistical
Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik "Statistics under
one Umbrella" (DAGStat 2016)*
We cordially invite you to register for the 4th Joint Statistical
Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat 2016)
from March 14 to 18, 2016, in Göttingen.
*The deadline for submission of abstracts was extended to December 15,
Under the motto "Statistics under one Umbrella" the planned conference
program contains contributions of all areas of statistics and many
applications of statistical methods. Scientific exchange between the
participating societies is one main aim of the conference. This is
reflected by embedding three important annual meetings, the
62. “Biometrisches Kolloquium” (German Region of the International
Biometric Society), the 40. “Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für
Klassifikation” (German Classification Society) and the “Pfingsttagung
der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft” (German Statistical Society).
For the conference the following speakers agreed to give a plenary talk.
Aurore Delaigle (University of Melbourne)
Hans Rudolf Künsch (ETH Zürich)
Simon Thompson (University of Cambridge)
Adalbert Wilhelm (Jacobs University Bremen)
Tutorials will be offered about the following topics
Event Data Analysis" (Robin Henderson)
Evidence Synthesis" (Guido Knapp, Gerta Rücker, Guido Schwarzer)
Copulae in Practice" (Ostap Okhrin)
Integer-valued Time Series" (Christian Weiß).
Special topics and invited speakers of the conference will be:
* Rosemary Bailey (Design of Experiments)
* Andreas Buja (Visualisation and Exploratory Data Analysis)
* Ying Cheng (Psychometrics)
* Gerda Claeskens (Mathematical Statistics in Life Science)
* Sandrine Dudoit (Statistics of High Dimensional Data)
* Peter Goos (Statistics in Natural Sciences and Technology)
* Patrik Guggenberger (Empirical Economics and Applied Econometrics)
* Marc Hallin (Robust and Nonparametric Statistics)
* Larry Hedges (Research Synthesis and Meta Analysis)
* Georg Heinze (Education for Statistics in Practice)
* Robin Henderson (Survival and Event History Analysis)
* Joop Hox (Multilevel and Panel Data Analysis)
* Beat Hulliger (Official Statistics and Survey Statistics)
* Thomas Lengauer (Bioinformatics)
* Marloes Maathuis (Graphical Models and Causal Inference)
* Masahiro Mizuta (Cluster Analysis and Classification)
* Byron Morgan (Statistics in Agriculture and Ecology)
* Morten Ørregaard Nielsen (Time Series Analysis)
* Edzer Pebesma (Computational Statistics and Statistical Software)
* Jose M. Pena (Machine Learning)
* Lawrence Phillips (Methods for Risk and Benefit Assessment)
* Stuart Pocock (Statistics in Clinical and Preclinical Research)
* Bertram Raum (Destroying data as a means of data protection - is it
* Yves Rosseel (Structural Equation Modelling)
* Håvard Rue (Penalized and Regularized Regression Analysis)
* Olivier Scaillet (Statistics in Finance)
* Max Welling (Big Data and Data Science)
Online registration and submission of abstracts is possible via the
conference homepage
There are still plenty of hotel rooms available. Also a list of private
rooms can be send to you via this email:
<zimmerreservierung at goettingen.de>zimmerreservierung at goettingen.de.
These rooms are often cheaper. A booking tool and a link to the
Göttingen tourismus office is located on the website under "accommodation".
link to accommodation <http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/501582.html>
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Göttingen next year,
Thomas Kneib and Henriette Irmer,
on behalf of the local organizing committee.
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