[Statlist] SSS Lambert Award 2015 for young statisticians

yves-laurent.grize at baloise.ch yves-laurent.grize at baloise.ch
Fri Jan 9 12:32:00 CET 2015

The Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) has established since 2013 the Johann
Heinrich Lambert Award to recognise the work of young statisticians. The
Award consists of a certificate and 1'000 Swiss Francs. It also entitles to
a plenary talk at the Swiss Statistics Meeting.

Candidates must have obtained a Bachelor 's, Master 's or doctoral degree
in Switzerland or must have a working experience of at least three years in
Switzerland. They must not be older than 35 years.

Interested young statisticians are invited to consult more information on
the website of the Swiss Statistical Society:

The deadline for submission of the necessary documents is May 15th, 2015.

We are looking forward to receiving many applications!
Good luck!

Dr. Yves-Laurent Grize
Chairman of the 2015 Lambert Award
Pricing Nonlife Actuarial Department, Baloise Insurance, Basel
E-mail: yves-laurent.grize at baloise.ch
Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design, Zurich University of Applied
Sciences, Winterthur
E-mail: yves-laurent.grize at zhaw.ch

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