[Statlist] Biostatistics posts at Lancaster

Leonhard Held leonhard.held at uzh.ch
Fri Jan 23 15:45:24 CET 2015

Lancaster University
Faculty Positions (x3) in Biostatistics
50th Anniversary Lectureships - Biostatistics
Closing Date:   Sunday 22 February 2015
Interview Date:   To be confirmed 
Reference:  A1160
Appointments will normally be at Lecturer level (equivalent to Assistant
with starting salaries in the range £33,242 - £39,685, but may be made
at a higher 
level up to  Senior Lecturer/Reader (equivalent to Associate Professor,
range £40,847 to £54,841)

Lancaster university’s 50th Anniversary Lectureship initiative aims to
recruit the 
university’s next generation of research leaders.  If appointed, you
will have the 
benefit of two years free of teaching in which to focus on building up
your research 
portfolio, plus expert support to help you progress quickly in your

These new posts in Biostatistics are located in the CHICAS research
(http://chicas.lancaster-university.uk/) within the Faculty of Health
and Medicine. 
This exciting commitment reflects the university’s recognition of
biostatistics as 
one of its strategic research priority areas. It will enable CHICAS to
broaden its 
current range of biostatistical expertise, and to extend its reputation
as an 
international centre of excellence in biostatistical research.

CHICAS develops state of the art statistical methodology in a range of
areas, with direct impact through human and animal health applications.
We have 
particular strengths in spatiotemporal data analysis, computationally
statistical modelling and real-time analysis of large, routinely
collected clinical 
and public health data-sets. Our projects develop and apply novel
statistical methods 
in open-source software, thereby generating publications in statistics,
and software journals. 

Whilst focusing on methodology, our work is highly cross-disciplinary
with collaborations 
in epidemiology and public health world-wide.  For example, we
contribute to a new, 
cross-faculty, Data Science Institute at Lancaster.  We also have strong
links with 
Liverpool and Manchester universities as partners in the MRC-funded
Health e-Research 
Centre (Farr at HeRC), and with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
we collaborate with Yale and Johns Hopkins Schools of Public Health,
Columbia University 
International Research Institute for Climate and Society, the Oswaldo
Cruz Foundation 
Brazil, the University of Malawi and Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Applicants should have a PhD in statistics or a related discipline, a
strong research record 
in statistics or at the interface between statistics and epidemiology,
and a commitment to
high-impact, cross-disciplinary research in the biomedical and/or health

For an informal discussion about the posts, please contact Professor
Peter Diggle, Department 
of Medicine (tel +44 (0)1524 593957, email p.diggle at lancaster.ac.uk).

To apply online, please visit

The posts form part of a University investment covering its strategic
research priorities, 
also including eight Lectureships in Data Science and two in Network
(references A1148, A1149, A1155)

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