[Statlist] I am looking for a permanent job

Jacquet Philippe philippe.jacquet at epfl.ch
Fri Jun 12 10:54:24 CEST 2015

Dear Statlist members,

I am a  Postdoc in the group of Jacques Rougemont (BBCF) at the EPFL and I am looking for a permanent position in Statistics/Modeling/Data Analysis in Lausanne area (anytime before March 2016).

I have a PhD in Theoretical Physics and have been working with biological data (NGS) for the last 3 years. I am open to any new opportunity (e.g. in health or environmental fields) and would be pleased to discuss about it.

My email: philippe.jacquet at epfl.ch
LinkedIn: ch.linkedin.com/pub/philippe-jacquet/2b/22/6a5

Best regards,

Philippe Jacquet

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