[Statlist] Fwd: Lambert Award 2015: The SSS Prize for Young Statisticians

Eva Cantoni Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Tue Mar 10 11:46:07 CET 2015

On 09.03.2015 19:37, Grize Yves-Laurent (griz) wrote:
> E-mail from the  Statlist at stat.ch  mailing list
> _________________________________________________
> To recognise the work of young statisticians, every two years the Swiss Statistical Society (SSS) gives a prize to the best submitted work.
> The Lambert Award, as this prize is called, consists of a certificate and 1'000 Swiss Francs. It also entitles to a plenary talk at the Swiss Statistics Meeting in 2015.
> Candidates for the Award must have obtained a Bachelor's, Master's or doctoral degree in Switzerland or must have a working experience of at least three years in Switzerland. The age of a candidate may not be more than 35 years.
> Therefore if you fulfil these conditions, we encourage you to submit your work to the Jury of the Lambert Award. The deadline is 15th May 2015.
> A candidate can either apply directly or be nominated by a member of the Swiss Statistical Society.
> Please note that practical contributions are as welcome as theoretical work. Also candidates' accomplishments will be assessed within the context of their corresponding academic degree and professional experience.
> Further information can be found on the SSS-website www.stat.ch<http://www.stat.ch> (rules and form). You can also directly contact Yves-Laurent Grize, Chair of this year Jury, at yves-laurent.grize at zhaw.ch<mailto:yves-laurent.grize at zhaw.ch> if you have any question.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Yves-Laurent Grize
> Dozent
> Institut f�r Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign
> Z�rcher Hochschule f�r Angewandte Wissenschaften
> CH-8401 Winterthur
> + 41 58 934 49 48
> yves-laurent.grize at zhaw.ch<mailto:yves-laurent.grize at zhaw.ch>
> www.idp.zhaw.ch<http://www.idp.zhaw.ch/>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
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