[Statlist] First Announcement of the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik "Statistics under one Umbrella" (DAGStat 2016)

DAGStat dagstat at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Fri May 8 12:01:57 CEST 2015

*First Announcement of the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the Deutsche 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik "Statistics under one Umbrella" (DAGStat 

We cordially invite you to the 4th Joint Statistical Meeting of the 
Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat 2016) from March 14 to 
18, 2016, in Göttingen. Under the motto "Statistics under one Umbrella" 
the planned conference program contains contributions of all areas of 
statistics and many applications of statistical methods. Scientific 
exchange between the participating societies is one main aim of the 
conference. This is reflected by embedding three important annual 
meetings, the 62. “Biometrisches Kolloquium” (Biometric Society), the 
40. “Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Klassifikation” (German 
Classification Society) and the “Pfingsttagung der Deutschen 
Statistischen Gesellschaft”.

The homepage DAGStat 2016 <http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/485701.html> 
already provides information about main topics, invited speakers, 
travelling and accommodations in Göttingen. Please note that the Cebit 
fair in Hannover will take place at the same time so we recommend an 
early booking for accommodation. We gained Aurore Delaigle, Hans Rudolf 
Künsch, Simon Thompson and Adalbert Wilhelm as plenary speakers. 
Tutorials will be offered about the topics "Event Data Analysis" (Robin 
Henderson), "Evidence Synthesis" (Guido Knapp, Gerta Rücker, Guido 
Schwarzer), "Copulas in Practice" (Ostap Okhrin) and "Integer-valued 
Time Series" (Christian Weiß).

Online registration and submission of abstracts will be possible from 
July 15 to December 1, 2015.

Prof. Christine Müller, Chair of the DAGStat

on behalf of the program committee of the DAGStat 2016

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