[Statlist] BayesComp at MCMSki at Lenzerheide

Alessio Benavoli alessio at idsia.ch
Mon Nov 16 14:22:32 CET 2015

6th IMS-ISBA Joint Meeting
BayesComp at MCMSki
January 4-7, 2016
Lenzerheide, Switzerland

Register before December 1st<
http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~mwl25/mcmskiV/registration.html> to get
favourable pricing!

Have a new idea?  Compete for the Breaking News Session!<

Join us for the Sixth joint IMS-ISBA Conference, now the official
conference of BayesComp<https://bayesian.org/sections/BayesComp>, the
Computational Statistics session of ISBA.
Conference Highlights

  *   Keynote speakers:  S. Feinberg, M. Jordan, S. Scott, D. Dunson, K.
Latusynski and T. Lelièvre
  *   Round table discussion on Data Science in the next 50 years sponsored
by the Swiss National Supercomputing Center<http://www.cscs.ch/index.html>
  *   Welcome Aperitif on Monday 4 Jan offered by the Swiss National
Supercomputing Center<http://www.cscs.ch/index.html>
  *   Invited and contributed sessions in 2 parallel tracks
  *   Evening Poster Sessions<
http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~mwl25/mcmskiV/poster.html> with financial
support from BayesComp
  *   Cabaret performance led by the famous IMPOSTERIORS<
  *   Guided outdoor activities
  *   Tweedie ski cup
  *   Discounts for students, junior investigators and IMS - ISBA members

For detailed program and schedule visit the Conference website<

Register now!<http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~mwl25/mcmskiV/registration.html>
Conference hotel discounts are limited.  For Travel and Lodging info visit
the Conference website<http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~mwl25/mcmskiV/index.html

Conference Sponsors:
InterDisciplinary Institute of Data Science, IDIDS<http://www.idids.usi.ch/>
Università della Svizzera italiana USI<http://www.usi.ch/en>, Lugano,
Swiss National Supercomputing Center

We look forward to welcoming you in Lenzerheide!

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