[Statlist] AGROSTAT 2016 symposium - March 22-24, 2016
Dr. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat CSci
kuonen at statoo.com
Wed Oct 28 16:04:55 CET 2015
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is our pleasure to announce the official registration opening of the
coming AGROSTAT symposium
in March 22-24, 2016.
From now on and *until November 10th*, you can register and/or submit
an abstract to present your work in relation with one of the four topics
below. Each topic will be introduced by an invited speaker (40’ talk).
Then there will be space for 4-6 oral presentations (15’) on the same
topic, selected among the submitted abstracts.
The four topics:
- *Sensometrics*, and how to develop pleasurable products
Invited speaker: Hal McFie (Hal McFie Sensory Training Ltd, UK)
- *Risk & Process*, and how to produce safe & consistent products
Invited speaker: Richard Brereton (Bristol University, UK)
- *Chemometrics*, and how to discover underlying product mechanisms
Invited speaker: Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi (ESSEC, France)
- *Big Data*, and how to collect, integrate & relate product data
Invited speaker: Karl Aberer (EPFL, Switzerland)
Other important program elements:
- *Three round tables* to debate among scientists around several topics. For each of them, two
speakers will first introduce the topic, each through a 15 minutes presentation, before opening
the floor to questions and comments for 30 minutes.
- A *corneR* for posters on R packages. People who would like to shortly present a package they are
used to use or they built are invited to submit an abstract under the section “corneR”. This
presentation will have to be delivered as a poster and some of them will be selected to be also
presented as a very short speech (2 minutes) to tease the audience and encourage people to come
and see the poster. All posters from the corneR will be located at the same place and material
will be available for demo.
- Some *Poster teaser sessions* (2 minutes speech) to get a flavor of poster presentation. As
for the corner, regular posters can also be selected for a short presentation.
On top of the symposium, the day before (March 21st, 2016) will be dedicated to day workshops
(topics to be announced very soon) presenting recent developments around statistical methods.
So if you are interested in attending the conference, sending a communication proposal (400
words abstract), organizing a workshop or sponsoring this event, you are invited to visit the
Agrostat2016 conference
We hope to see you soon in Switzerland for Agrostat 2016,
The scientific & organizing committees.
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