[Statlist] Research seminar in statistics October 2nd 2015, GSEM University of Geneva

Eva Cantoni Eva.Cantoni at unige.ch
Tue Sep 29 08:20:12 CEST 2015

Organisers :
E. Cantoni - D. La Vecchia - E. Ronchetti -
S. Sperlich - F. Trojani - M-P. Victoria-Feser

Friday October 2nd, 2015
at 11h15 - Room M 5220, Uni Mail (40, bd du Pont-d'Arve)

Bayesian Structured Additive Distributional Regression
Thomas Kneib - Georg August-Universität Göttingen

Distributional regression provides a unified framework for structured 
additive distributional regression with responses from a variety of 
continuous, discrete and latent (potentially multivariate) response 
distributions, where each parameter of these potentially complex 
distributions is related to a structured additive predictor. The latter 
is an additive composition of different types of covariate effects e.g. 
nonlinear effects of continuous covariates, random effects, spatial 
effects, or interaction effects. Inference is realised by a generic, 
computationally efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm based on 
iteratively weighted least squares approximations and with multivariate 
Gaussian priors to enforce specific properties of functional effects.

Visit the website: http://www.stat-center.unige.ch/ressem.html

Karen Longden Roure
Administrative Support to
MSc. in Management, MSc. In Economics, MSc. In Statistics
Université de Genève, Uni-Mail
Faculté d'Economie & Management, GSEM
40, bd. du Pont d'Arve, 1211 Genève 4
Tél:  +41.22.379.8109 (10h-14h)

Prof. Eva Cantoni
Research Center for Statistics and
  Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva, Bd du Pont d'Arve 40, CH-1211 Genève 4

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