[Statlist] Open Position "Biostatistician"

Achermann Sonja Sabine Sonja.Achermann at usb.ch
Mon Aug 29 13:18:51 CEST 2016

The Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistician CEB is seeking a

Biostatistician, MSc or PhD (80% to 100%)

You will be collaborating in a dynamic team of clinical epidemiologists, biostatisticians and clinical researchers.

Your main responsibilities are:

·         Consulting activity for clinical researchers
·         Protocol development and statistical analyses of observational studies (Swiss HIV Cohort Study), large registry data and pragmatic clinical trials
·         Support staff and PhD students in statistical analyses

Our requirements are:

·         PhD or MSc qualification in statistics/mathematics or related field
·         Good experience in statistical analysis in the health care or medical research setting
·         Experience in epidemiological study designs and relevant advanced analytical techniques
·         Strong statistical programming skills in SAS and R
·         Ability to efficiently manage projects in parallel and to communicate statistical methods to non-statisticians
·         Excellent knowledge of English (German is not a prerequisite but of advantage)

We offer:

·         The opportunity to work in an academic environment with a dynamic, successful international team dedicated to high quality research
·         A commitment to your career development and training

This position is open from December 1st, 2016 for a minimum of 3 years. Salary is commensurate with experience (University of Basel rating system). Applicants should hold EU work permission. Informal enquiries and submission of applications with CV, list of publications and 3 references may be made to:

Prof. Heiner C. Bucher MD, MPH
Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University Hospital Basel
CH-4031 Basel
Tel 0041-61-556 5100
Email heiner.bucher[at]usb.ch<mailto:hbucher at uhbs.ch>

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