[Statlist] Internship on extreme value analysis for non-stationary time series

ginsbourger ginsbourger at idiap.ch
Wed Feb 24 09:35:57 CET 2016

The Idiap Research Institute invites applications for one internship 
position within
the Uncertainty Quantification and Optimal Design group to work on 
extreme value
analysis for non-stationary time series with application in climate 

Applications are welcome from graduate students (master, engineering 
schools, etc.) with
a strong quantitative background. Good programming abilities (ideally in 
R) are expected.
Substantial experience in statistics and/or in machine learning will be 
highly appreciated.

The internship will be supervized by Dr. David Ginsbourger and may also 
involve interactions
with further colleagues, notably from the Oeschger Center for Climate 
Change Research.

Appointment for the position is for 6 month (a stipend of 2'000 
CHF/month will be provided).
Starting date is negotiable. Contact: ginsbourger at idiap.ch

Applications are to be submitted exclusively using the Idiap online 
recruitment system:

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