[Statlist] 2 new job offers

Administration SSS vera.gaerttling at imsd.ch
Tue Jan 26 11:39:26 CET 2016

New job offers are now posted on our website, including: 

Statistik Stadt Zürich is looking for an expert in „Statistische Analysen & Methoden“ (80-100%)
for details, got to: http://www.stat.ch/docs/jobs/20160122Inserat%20WissMA%20Analyse_Methoden.pdf <http://www.stat.ch/docs/jobs/20160122Inserat%20WissMA%20Analyse_Methoden.pdf> (in German)

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland is looking for a Senior Researcher
for details, go to: http://www.stephan-robert.ch/jobs <http://www.stephan-robert.ch/jobs> (in English)

Kind regards to everyone and sorry for cross-posting,

Vera Gärttling

Swiss Statistical Society (SSS)
3000 Bern
Tel: +41 44 350 03 41
sss at stat.ch <mailto:sss at stat.ch>

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