[Statlist] Colloquium SMA J. Rougier 30/06 17:15 CM4, EPFL
Schaffner Portillo Maroussia
maroussia.schaffnerportillo at epfl.ch
Tue Jun 21 09:38:17 CEST 2016
Chers tous,
Jeudi 30 juin (dans dix jours) à 17h15 en CM4<http://plan.epfl.ch/?request_locale=fr&room=cm4&domain=places>, nous aurons le plaisir d'entendre Jonathan Rougier de Bristol (invité par Anthony Davison) pour le colloquium. Titre et résumé ci-dessous.
Bien à vous,
Clément Hongler
Dear All,
On Thursday, June 30th (in 10 days from now) at 17h15 in CM4<http://plan.epfl.ch/?request_locale=fr&room=cm4&domain=places>, we will have the pleasure to hear Jonathan Rougier (invited by Anthony Davison) for the colloquium. Please find the title and abstract below.
All the best,
Clément Hongler
A statistician’s viewpoint on weather, climate, and climate simulations
There is plenty of agreement about what we mean by ‘weather’, some agreement about ‘climate’, and quite a lot of confusion about ‘climate simulations’ – not about what they are, but about what they mean. Statisticians are very familiar with the underlying issues, which centre on uncertainty and our attempts to define and quantify it. I propose that climate simulators represent expert opinions about future weather, and should be treated accordingly. This in turn requires that we expose the inherently probabilistic nature of a climate simulator, so that we can interpret it as offering a set of bets on future weather outcomes. I will assess current practice in climate science from this perspective.
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