[Statlist] Open position: Senior Scientist in Statistics at ETH Zurich

Marloes Maathuis maathuis at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Mar 23 12:20:31 CET 2016

The Seminar for Statistics (SfS) in the Department of Mathematics of ETH
Zurich fills an open scientific staff position with a focus on
Computational Statistics and Data Science.

The position involves a strong teaching component with emphasis on BSc
level service courses, for students in mathematics, engineering, and life
and natural sciences at ETH Zurich. Duties also include supervision of MSc
and BSc theses, statistical consulting, and assistance for code development
in the context of educational and research projects. Research interest and
potential in computationally-intensive statistics, large-scale data
analysis and machine learning is desired.

Candidates for this position are expected to hold a PhD in statistics,
mathematics or computer science. Demonstrated expertise and a track record
in statistics, large-scale data analysis or machine learning is required,
as is proficiency in relevant programming languages and excellent
communication skills in German and English.

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2016. For more information and
to apply, please see:

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