[Statlist] TR: New challenges in survey methodology, Tuesday 13 December 2016

TILLE Yves Yves.Tille at unine.ch
Mon Nov 14 16:09:01 CET 2016

University of Lausanne, University of Neuchâtel, University of Lucerne

Master of Arts in “Public Opinion and Survey Methodology”
Maîtrise universitaire en « Méthodologie d’enquête et opinion publique »

Tuesday 13 December 2016


Office fédéral de la statistique
Espace de l'Europe 10, 2010 Neuchâtel, Room 512


9:30-9:40: Welcome

9:40-10:40: Prof. Dr. Florian Keusch
Assistant Professor of Statistics and Methodology, University of Mannheim
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland
« Smartphone surveys, behavior tracking, and Big Data. Opportunities and challenges of new modes of survey data collection »

10:40-11:00: Break

11:00-12:00: Dr. Emanuele Baldacci
Director of methodologies and corporate statistical and IT services, Eurostat
« Data revolution and innovation in official statistical production key challenges and research areas »

Registration: romaine.farquet at unil.ch<mailto:romaine.farquet at unil.ch> until 10 December 2016.

Participation in the conference is free of charge (subject to places available).

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