[Statlist] One PhD and one PostDoc position in Gaussian Processes for Big Data, @IDSIA, Lugano
Alessio Benavoli
alessio at idsia.ch
Fri Nov 18 10:32:41 CET 2016
*One PhD and one PostDoc position in Gaussian Processes for Big Data*
The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA
<http://www.idsia.ch>) opens one PhD and one PostDoc position for the
project *State space Gaussian processes for big data analytics* (GAP),
supported by Swiss National Science Foundation NFP75 “Big Data” grant. The
deadline for this post is *20th, December, 2016*, however we encourage
applications before this date (for more information about how to apply,
please see the end of the email).
Gaussian processes (GPs) are part of non-linear Bayesian non-parametrics.
Its being non-linear means that it can capture very general trends in
multi-dimensional data; non-parametric means that it makes very weak
assumptions, so it leads to more reliable models; and being Bayesian means
that there is solid theory behind it on which we can do maths to derive
algorithms and prove their properties. GPs are an emerging tool in machine
learning, and yet large data problems are mostly uncharted territory for
them: in fact, they can only be applied to at most a few thousand training
points n, due to their O(n^3) time and O(n^2) space required for learning.
The main goal of this project is to fill the gap by deriving a principled,
accurate, approximation of GPs that can exploit all the available data
while sharply decreasing space and time complexity, so as to allow us to
apply GPs to big data. More generally speaking, the project will be a mix
of deep theoretical work and smart implementation, as well as application
to two complex and important domains.
The successful applicants will work on the theoretical development of the
algorithms as well as their implementation within a skilled and motivated
team of scientists dedicated to the project.
*PostDoc requirements *
- This position is for a young researcher.
- Master and PhD with top grades/honors in control engineering,
mathematics, machine learning, statistics, or other quantitative fields.
- Strong mathematical background: knowledge and experience in topics
such as Gaussian processes, Bayesian statistics, (partial) differential
equations, estimation for dynamical systems, Kalman filtering/smoothing and
- Good record track of high quality publications in well-recognised
international journals or conferences (eg., IEEE/ACM ones) on the mentioned
- Strong programming skills and knowledge of specialised
mathematical/statistical environments, such as MATLAB and R. Strong
analytical skills, such as problem solving and logical thinking.
- Very good written and oral communication skills in English.
- Ability to work in a team and in a collaborative environment. Autonomy.
*PostDoc offer*
- Fixed-term position for 2 years, with possibility of prolongation.
- Attractive salary, in line with Swiss standards.
- International working environment. Travel support to participate in
high quality conferences, workshops and schools.
*PhD requirements*
- Master with top grades/honors in control engineering, mathematics,
machine learning, statistics, or other quantitative fields.
- Strong mathematical background: knowledge and experience in topics
such as Bayesian statistics, (partial) differential equations, estimation
for dynamical systems, Kalman filtering and optimization.
- Excellent grades, strong programming skills and knowledge of
specialised mathematical/statistical environments, such as MATLAB and R.
- Strong analytical skills, such as problem solving and logical thinking.
- Very good written and oral communication skills in English and good
academic writing.
- Ability to work in a team and in a collaborative environment.
- Autonomy.
*PhD offer*
- Fixed-term position for 4 years.
- Salary as from the Swiss NSF regulations (http://www.snf.ch/
- International working environment.
- Travel support to participate in high quality conferences, workshops
and schools.
The requirements for these functions are published within the "Direttive
interne SUPSI" (direttiva 7A, Art. 2) as well as in the "Regolamento del
personale SUPSI" on the website www.supsi.ch (follow SUPSI, Documenti
For further information and application, please contact:
Alessio Benavoli <http://www.idsia.ch/%7Ealessio>,
senior researcher,
alessio at idsia.ch
Applicants should submit the following documents: curriculum vitae (for
PostDoc with list of publications), list of exams with grades obtained
during the Bachelor and the Master of Science, letter of motivation, three
references (e-mail addresses).
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