[Statlist] ERRATUM - Research seminar in statistics December 2nd 2016, GSEM University of Geneva

Karen Longden Roure Karen.Longden at unige.ch
Mon Nov 28 10:30:32 CET 2016

Dear All,

Please find the corrected invitation to the next Research Seminar -

Looking forward to seeing you

Organisers :
E. Cantoni - D. La Vecchia - E. Ronchetti -
S. Sperlich - F. Trojani - M.-P. Victoria-Feser

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Friday December 2nd  2016 at 11h15, Uni-Mail M5220

Simultaneous multiple change-point and factor analysis for high-dimensional time series
Matteo Barigozzi - London School of Economics

Please open link - http://www.unige.ch/gsem/rcs/ressem/barigozzi/

Visit the website: http://www.stat-center.unige.ch/ressem.html

Karen Longden
Program Coordinator
MSc. in Management, MSc. in Economics, MSc. in Statistics
Université de Genève, Uni-Mail
Faculté d'Economie & Management, GSEM

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