[Statlist] an open Ph.D. position

Jaya Krishnakumar Jaya.Krishnakumar at unige.ch
Mon Dec 18 17:38:50 CET 2017

Please find attached an announcement about a Ph.D. position, open at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, ISE, University of Geneva.

I shall be grateful if you could circulate it as widely as possible among your colleagues, students and friends. Thank you very much in advance. Best regards.

Professor (Ms.) Jaya Krishnakumar
Professor of Econometrics
Institute of Economics and Econometrics
Geneva School of Economics and Management
University of Geneva
Uni-Mail, 40, Bd. du Pont d'Arve
CH-1211, Geneva 4
Tel. +41 22 379 8220

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