[Statlist] FHNW School of Business looking for new Prof. Economic and Social Research

Hulliger Beat beat.hulliger at fhnw.ch
Tue Jun 13 09:46:30 CEST 2017

FHNW School of Business is looking for a Professor of Economic and Social Research. The post will be active in the area of applied statistics. More information and application portal: https://apply.refline.ch/655298/1566/pub/1/index.html

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) /
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Hochschule für Wirtschaft (HSW) / School of Business
Institute for Competitiveness and Communication (ICC)

Prof. Dr. Beat Hulliger
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
Schweiz / Switzerland
T +41 62 9572306
F +41 62 957 25 95
Skype beat.hulliger
mailto:beat.hulliger at fhnw.ch

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