[Statlist] Scientific collaborator 100% position

DIACON Corine Corine.Diacon at unine.ch
Wed Mar 22 10:19:55 CET 2017

Scientific collaborator 100% position
at the Institute of statistics, chair of applied statistics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Neuchâtel

Starting date : 01.04.2017 or upon agreement
Term : 1 year, renewable
Workplace : Institute of statistics, Neuchâtel
Application deadline : 31.03.2017

Job description :
Research at the Institute of statistics in the field of the public statistics, in association with the Swiss federal statistical office (SFO). The position is funded by the Convention of collaboration between the University of Neuchâtel and the Swiss federal statistical off.

Profile :
Phd in statistics or equivalent qualification, or possibly master in statistics.

Application procedure
Candidates are requested to send by email at messagerie.istat at unine.ch  , letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, and pdf of the two best publications, two recommendation letters or the name of two reference professors. 

For more information, contact professor Yves Tillé, tél. +4132 718 1475, yves.tille at unine.ch , or consult the website of the Institute of statistics, http://www.unine.ch/statistics/en/home.html

The University of Neuchâtel is an Equal opportunity. Qualified women are encouraged to apply.

Institut de Statistique
Université de Neuchâtel
Bâtiment G, rez sup. ouest, B34
Av. de Bellevaux 51
CH - 2000 Neuchâtel
Tél. +41 32 718 13 80

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