[Statlist] Professor position in Statistics at EPFL

Davison Anthony anthony.davison at epfl.ch
Wed Nov 1 14:09:52 CET 2017

The Institute of Mathematics of the School of Basic Sciences at EPFL invites applications for a Professorship in Statistics. This is an open rank search and appointment is possible at the tenured level (Full Professor or Associate Professor) or the tenure track level (Assistant Professor), depending on the successful candidate’s track record.

We seek outstanding candidates with research interests in core statistical methodology and/or its substantive application.

Significant start-up resources and research infrastructure will be made available. EPFL offers highly competitive salaries at an international level.

Applications should include a motivation letter, a curriculum vitae with a list of research outputs, concise statement of research and teaching interests, as well as the names and addresses (including e-mail) of at least 3 references for junior positions or 5 for senior positions.

To apply, please follow the instructions in the link below


The evaluation process will start on December 1st, 2017. Applications submitted prior to that date are guaranteed consideration, but applications arriving later may also be considered.

Enquiries may be addressed to:

Prof. Assyr Abdulle, Chairman of the Search Committee E-mail: math.hiring at epfl.ch

For additional information, please consult www.epfl.ch, sb.epfl.ch

EPFL is an equal opportunity employer and a family friendly university.

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