[Statlist] Announcement: MA POSM-workshop on 16th March 2018: New methods to analyze gender inequalities using survey data

Renate Albrecher renate.albrecher at unil.ch
Mon Feb 12 11:38:29 CET 2018

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the MA POSM Workshop 2018:

"New methods to analyze gender inequalities using survey data”

Date:               Friday, 16th March, 2018
Time:              9:30 - 12:00h
Location:        Université de Neuchâtel, Faculté des sciences, Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Neuchâtel, salle A017

Please find the agenda attached and on our site https://surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/events.html.

The seminar is free of charge. For registration however please send an e-mail to Mihaela Anastasiade (mihaela.anastasiade at unini.ch<mailto:mihaela.anastasiade at unini.ch> ).

We are looking forward to meet you!

Kind regards,
On behalf of the POSM scientific council

Renate Albrecher
Coordinatrice POSM (MEOP)
MA Méthodologie d'enquête et opinion publique<http://surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/>
Info Master:     UNIL, <https://www.unil.ch/formations/fr/home/menuinst/masters/opinion-publique.html> UNINE<http://www.unine.ch/mscosr/home.html> et UNILU<https://www.unilu.ch/studium/studienangebot/master/kultur-und-sozialwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/public-opinion-and-survey-methodology/>
Facebook:         Groupe MEOP-POSM


UNIL | Université de Lausanne
Quartier Mouline, Géopolis, office 5534
CH-1025 Lausanne
+41(0)21 692 3828
renate.albrecher at unil.ch<mailto:renate.albrecher at unil.ch>

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