[Statlist] Job: Researcher in Natural Language Understanding and Text Mining @ IDSiA (CH)

Giorgio Corani giorgio at idsia.ch
Tue Feb 13 07:26:38 CET 2018

::Researcher in Natural Language Understanding and Text Mining

The Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA, 
www.idsia.ch), for a Researcher in the area of Natural Language 
Understanding and Text Mining. The occupancy degree is 100% and the 
duration of the contract is 2 years.

-Research on cutting-edge methods for natural language understanding 
(probabilistic language modeling, keyword extraction, text 
summarization) and text mining (text classification, word embedding, 
topic models);
-Publication on top journal and top conferences in the field;
-Implementation of such algorithms so as to scale on big data;
-Coordination of a team of developers on projects with companies on 
related topics.

- The position is for a young researcher, who however has already 
obtained a PhD on a topic relevant to Natural Language Processing and/or 
Text Mining;
- Master in informatics or other areas with strong emphasis on computation;
- Strong publications record;
- Excellent programming skills and deep knowledge of libraries for 
natural language processing;
- Proficiency in written and spoken in English;
- Capability of leading projects carried out with industrial partners on 
automatic analysis of documents;
- Communication and collaboration skills.

::Optional but preferential
- Good knowledge of machine learning algorithms and tools;
- Good knowledge of written and spoken Italian, or willingness to learn 
it in short times.

::We offer
- A two-year position (degree of occupancy 100%), with possibility of 
- International working environment;
- Collaboration with a strong team of researchers in Machine Learning 
and Statistics (our publication record is available at: 
- Possibility of development of own professional and scientific skills 
as well as career progression;
- Attractive salary, in line with Swiss standards and the candidate's 

Applicants should submit the following documents, written in English:
1. curriculum vitae
2. list of exams and grades obtained during the Bachelor and the Master 
of Science;
3. list of three references (with e-mail addresses);
4. brief statement on how their research interests fit the topics above 
(1-2 pages);
5. publications list and possibly link to the thesis.

Applications should be submitted by 28 February 2018 through the online 
form at the address: http://www.form-ru.app.supsi.ch/view.php?id=274900

For further information see:

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