[Statlist] BBS announcement: BBS spring seminar on April 17, 2018 at Novartis Campus: "New developments in HTA, adaptive designs and Multiplicity – in remembrance of Willi Maurer"

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Mon Feb 26 14:54:05 CET 2018

Dear BBS colleagues,

the next BBS seminar will take place on April 17, 2018  at the Novartis Campus, Auditorium (Medium), Fabrikstrasse 15.

The program will deal in the morning with new developments in HTA, and the afternoon will be dedicated in remembrance of Willi Maurer who unfortunately passed away end of last year. Consequently the afternoon sessions will cover two main topics Willi worked on and influenced a lot, adaptive designs and multiplicity corrections. Unusually, the seminar will end this year with an apero in remembrance of Willi.
For more information a first flyer is attached.

The Seminar fee is 100 CHF for industry and free for all others. Please register by sending an email in advance to fred.sorenson at xcenda.com<mailto:fred.sorenson at xcenda.com>  Registration will close by Friday, April 13, 2018.

Hope to see you all!

BBS president

Thanks Uli
Dr Hans Ulrich Burger
Global Head Biostatistics Neuroscience and Ophthalmology
Global Head of MCO

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