[Statlist] MA POSM-workshop 16h March - Inscription Deadline 1st, March
Renate Albrecher
renate.albrecher at unil.ch
Tue Feb 27 16:31:59 CET 2018
Dear all,
the MA POSM Workshop 2018 is approaching! Please inscribe before 1st of March by sending an email to
Mihaela Anastasiade (mihaela.anastasiade at unine.ch).
Topic: "New methods to analyze gender inequalities using survey data"
Date: Friday, 16th March, 2018
Time: 9:30 - 12:00h
Location: Universit? de Neuch?tel, Facult? des sciences, 11 Emile-Argand, Neuch?tel, salle A017
Please find the agenda attached and on our site surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/events<https://surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/events.html>.
The seminar is free of charge.
We are looking forward to meet you!
Kind regards,
On behalf of the POSM scientific council
Renate Albrecher
Renate Albrecher
Coordinatrice scientifique MEOP (POSM)
MA M?thodologie d'enqu?te et opinion publique<http://surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/>
Info Master: UNIL, <https://www.unil.ch/formations/fr/home/menuinst/masters/opinion-publique.html> UNINE<http://www.unine.ch/mscosr/home.html> et UNILU<https://www.unilu.ch/studium/studienangebot/master/kultur-und-sozialwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/public-opinion-and-survey-methodology/>
Facebook: Groupe MEOP-POSM<https://www.facebook.com/groups/PosmMeop/>
UNIL | Universit? de Lausanne
Quartier Mouline, G?opolis, office 5534
CH-1025 Lausanne
+41(0)21 692 3828
renate.albrecher at unil.ch<mailto:renate.albrecher at unil.ch>
Please visit our POSM-Workshop<http://surveymethods-ch.weebly.com/events.html> on the 16th of March!
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