[Statlist] Upcomming Deep Learning Day 2018
Sick Beate (sick)
sick at zhaw.ch
Tue Jun 19 21:32:29 CEST 2018
Dear deep learning enthusiasts,
We had great fun organizing the first deep learning day 2016<https://sites.google.com/site/sdsdlday2016/> and deep learning day 2017<https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2017/> and are pleased to announce the Deep Learning Day 2018 in September 14th https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2018/ - the registration will open on Friday 22th June.
We envision an active participation and encourage you to send in an abstract for a poster or talk. This year we want to set a focus on probabilistic aspects of deep learning but welcome contributions from all deep learning related fields.
We are happy to announce that Thomas Fischbacher from Google will give a hands-on workshop on the latest developments in Tensorflow - please bring your laptops with you.
Note that the number of participants will be limited to 50 persons, so poster presenters have a much greater chance to take part at the workshop.
* Location: ZHAW School of Engineering in Winterthur (Switzerland), Technikumstrasse 9 , Main Building, room TH 363
* For further details please refer to our webpage https://tensorchiefs.github.io/dlday2018/.
We are looking forward to meeting you in September,
Oliver Dürr, Beate Sick and Elvis Murina
Beate Sick and Elvis Murina
Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP)
University of Applied Sciences Winterthur, ZHAW
Datalab - The ZHAW Data Science Laboratory
Oliver Dürr
Institute for Optical Systems (IOS)
University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, HTWG
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