[Statlist] Position at the Biostatistics Department (consulting group) at EBPI, UZH

ulrike.held at uzh.ch ulrike.held at uzh.ch
Fri May 18 17:09:29 CEST 2018

We are looking for a biostatistician for our consulting group, see the
announcement on the UZH jobs page:


The announcement is in German and some German knowledge will also be
necessary but you do not need to a native speaker.

Kind regards

Ulrike Held



Ulrike Held, PD PhD

Head Scientific Methods Consulting


Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

Department Biostatistics

Hirschengraben 84

Room HRS F21

CH-8001 Zurich

Ulrike.Held at uzh.ch <mailto:Ulrike.Held at uzh.ch> 

Phone +41 44 634 4539


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