[Statlist] EMS 2019 - 1st Call for Papers

lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch lutz.duembgen at stat.unibe.ch
Mon May 28 10:29:13 CEST 2018


The European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS), sponsored by the European
Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society, is the main statistics and
probability theory conference in Europe. EMS is a conference where
statisticians of all ages and from all regions meet to exchange ideas
and talk about the newest developments on the broad field of statistics
and probability theory. The very first EMS meeting was held in Dublin
in 1962, and the 32nd EMS - EMS 2019 - will take place in Palermo, the
capital of Sicily (Italy).

Genevera Allen (Rice University, USA)
Gilles Blanchard (University of Potsdam, D)
John Lafferty (Yale University, USA)
Victor Panaretos (EPF Lausanne, CH)
Judith Rousseau (Oxford University, UK)
Aad Van der Vaart (University of Leiden, NL)

Instructions for submission of abstracts:
Conference language is English. Applicants wishing to present original
research should propose a topic contributed session, a contributed
paper or a poster, addressing a full range of subjects in statistics
and its many application fields. The submission will start on the 1st
of October 2018 and will end on the 15th of April 2019. For more
information visit the web-site: http://www.ems2019.palermo.it

Deadline for submitting abstracts:
Abstract submission open on the 1st of October 2018 and end on the 28th
of April 2019.

For any information, please contact ems-2019 at unipa.it.

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