[Statlist] BBS Seminar on RCTs, personalized medicine, and surrogacy on 26th June 2018 at Roche Campus

Blatna, Bibiana bibiana.blatna at novartis.com
Wed May 30 10:47:59 CEST 2018

Dear BBS colleagues,

Please find attached the program for a BBS seminar event on RCTs, personalized medicine, and surrogacy, taking place on June 26, 2018 in Basel. We are lucky to have three distinct speakers, Tomasz Buryzkowski; Everardo D. Saad; and Marc Buyse, talking on their research on these topics.

Please note that the next day there will be also a one day joint BBS / EFSPI seminar on small populations at Idorsia, Allschwil.

We look foward to see many of you at one or both of these events!

On behalf of the BBS,
Dietrich Knoerzer & Kaspar Rufibach

Date:               26th June, 2018
Time:              15:30 – 17:45h
Location:        Auditorium Building 71, Roche Campus, Grenzacherstrasse, Basel
Registration:  The seminar is free of charge. For registration please send an informal e-mail until 19th June to: Laurence Guillier (laurence.guillier at roche.com) or Barbora  Martinec (barbora.martinec at roche.com)
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