[Statlist] Post-doc

Valérie Chavez valerie.chavez at unil.ch
Fri Nov 16 15:34:32 CET 2018

A postdoctoral position is available in the Bavelier lab in the Psychology and Education Science Faculty at Campus Biotech, University of Geneva, Switzerland. The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to pursue research on human learning and its cognitive, emotional and social determinants. Among others, the successful candidate is expected to conduct research utilizing large-scale video game play data. This will include developing metrics to quantify complex in-game behaviors that allow the characterization of expertise and/or are predictive of learning or skill transfer.  This work is to be carried in close collaboration with computer science and psychology colleagues based respectively at the U. of Minnesota and U. of Wisconsin.

Candidates must have a PhD (or equivalent experience) in computer science, statistics, or a related discipline.  The successful candidate will have experience with database queries, organization, and experience with basic machine learning methods. In addition to these data science skills, the ideal candidate will have either background or interest in cognitive science, neuroscience and psychology which will inform the development of the data analyses.
Applicants should send a short cover letter, CV, with names and email addresses of three references to Daphne Bavelier, daphne.bavelier at unige.ch<mailto:daphne.bavelier at unige.ch>


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